Monday, November 29, 2004

new semester

In The Name Of ALLAH The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

aloha~!!... new semester just begun. amik abt 17 unit. okla kot. takut gak coz it will be a short sem this time. hopefully buleh score lg. but cam takbley je.. jd makin malas plak. gle punye mls a. tatau la camne nk boast kerajinan.
byk mende yg dibuat throughout the week. daftar kursus, settle hal bilik [cmah pindah..wa~!!] dll
5 disember ni ade 4 event
i.alumni - tak pegi [ade kelas]
ii.cik ainul kawen - tak pegi gak [tarak transport ma..]
iii.majlis perlantikan watikah - pegi
iv. rugby penang open - tak pegi gak[aku bukan player, lgpn ade event laen plak]

apeda.. aku mne la ade pakwe. siot je. terlalu memilih kot.
tp takpe. blom ade kepentingan pn, nk buat mende ade bf?
aku tengok cam sengsara je.
lagi2 mmbr next door, asyek kesunyian je. sbbnye rumate de kuar ngan balak.
heh. kalo aku bule gle. tarak mmbr.
ade bf kang budget lari a. asyek nk top up je
aku ni dahle caring terlebih. sket2 msg, tak pn call
tamau a. duit bukan free. kalo free pn baik beli baju.

ape yg aku melalut ni. ha3. ok chow

Tuesday, November 09, 2004


In The Name Of ALLAH The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

esok balik kampung. it will be a while until bule on9 balik. so like; no entry for couples of weeks i guess. nah... bukan org bc pn my blog. takde mende ahh..
tak sangke rupenye aku ni caring rupenye. [he3] yg aku riso sgt psl de buat pe? he's not mine. he3. tula emo ngat.
btw, my frenster acc will be deleted kot. hermm.. baguslah. ape ni? nampak sgt tarak ide. ide! ide! ide! *sigh*
huhhuhuhuhhuhuhuhu....... esok balik kampung~!! mls nyerrrr.. dah beso skang. kene tutup aurat plak. nk kate leceh, heh, mmg a leceh. bt, my cousin sumer slamber je tak tutup. ish. tp nk balik sbb nk mkn byk2 ketupat. heh. no wonder my cheeks mengelembung. keje makan je. tu yg tembam tu. he3. takpela. bukan luak pn. [tipikalnye my thinkin]
conclusion hr ni, esok balik johor!

Sunday, November 07, 2004


In The Name Of ALLAH The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

my face nk naik a small thing. uhuk. this is not me. not my licin kulit. nv on earth, nv once pn naik jerawat. ha3. ni sure coz my face tak bley adapt ngan facial baru. okla2 tak pakei dah. mengada btol le! heh. dats my obsession; ma face. he3. but of cos i wont wear any cosmetic nowadays. im too worth it to use them. nahh... one day.

kepala pn saket ni. ade ke bangun2 je dr tdo trus online. ish3. ape daa...
takpela. buhsan gak dok umah. asyek sidai baju. basuh pinggan. tdo. ha3. takpela.brape hr je tinggal. kang kat kolej lg byk mende kene buat. blajar, basuh baju, sidai baju,angkat baju,lipat baju,iron baju,simpan baju, pegi kuliah, lunch, bla,bla,bla....

lepas bukak u ni ade 2 event besar.
1st, kene handle dinner utk angkat sumpah abg2 pmu
2nd, g meeting alumni kao gambang
2-2 pn best. tp im afraid of my result.
n another thing. 3rd sem ade perkampungan utk ajkdasar utk pesta konvo ke-33
tp ade pra-praktikum plak. heh, mcm2.

ive got to maintain my result. dah dpt scholarship ni. if my result drop, abesla. mne nk korek duit? ma parents pn ade another 6 children. herm... ok kot if i amik lesen n beli a bike. weekends bule part time. tp nk part time katne? adeke kedai yg nk weekends part time? not sure.

rse cam byk mende sgt yg ade in my mind. rse tak terdaya nk pk n buat sumer. bt, thinking make me sick. my migrain accurs at that time. bt, w/o thinking, i wont be good n b nice 4 myself. tahla. ade pros n cons. mende2 ni takbley nk amik ringan. tahla. my another world pn i amik ringan. y on earth, i didnt hv d serious feeling to b a gud muslim?

being a muslim is not an heritage. its sth we shud discover by ourselves. its me dat halang mself to think n seek abt it. dunno y. i still wanna enjoy with life. to read comics, listen radio, doing bad chores, n all sort dat wud probably take me far enuff to b a gud muslim. i shud hv to sacrifice evryth to b a gud 1. dunno larr. serabut rsenye... help me plz...

okla.. enuff 4 now. ive things to settle dw.roger n out! c ya~!!

Saturday, November 06, 2004

new thinggy

In The Name Of ALLAH The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

well, i add calendar n clock. nampak tak? hehe
nk jugak?
bule je. just ask!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

me n ma boo

In The Name Of ALLAH The Most Gracious The Most Merciful



nth much i can say.. just u!


In The Name Of ALLAH The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

tarak mood nk update..len kali la update